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Malts_MF Class

class pymalts.malts_mf(outcome,treatment,data,discrete=[],C=1,k_tr=15,k_est=50,
Source Code

This class creates the matches based on the MALTS: “Matching After Learning to Stretch” algorithm. It has built in support for stopping criteria and missing data handling.


Required Parameters

Parameter Name Type Default Description
data file, Dataframe required The data to be matched. Preferably, the data should be in the form of a Python Pandas DataFrame.
outcome string required The column name containing the name of the outcome variable, which itself is numeric.
treated string required The column name denoting whether the unit is treated or control for the matching procedure.

Optional Parameters

discrete list [ ] The list of columns that have been dummified (discrete).
C integer 1 The regularization constant used in the objective method with the matrix.
k_tr integer 15 The size of the matched group in the training step.
k_est integer 50 The size of the matched group in the estimation step.
estimator string ‘linear’ The method used to estimate the CATE value inside a matched group. The possible options are ‘linear’, ‘mean’ or ‘RF’, which use ridge regression, mean regression, and Random Forest regression, respectively.
smooth_cate boolean True Boolean to specify whether the CATE estimates should be smoothened by using a regression model to obtain a fit.
reweight boolean False Boolean to specify if treatment and control groups should be reweighted as per their sample sizes in the training step.
n_splits integer 5 The number of splits of the data when n_split-fold procedure is used.
n_repeats integer 1 The number of times the whole procedure is repeated.
output_format string ‘brief’ The style in which the output CATE dataframe is to be displayed. Possible options are ‘brief’ and ‘full’. If ‘full’ is chosen, the entire dataframe is displayed, if ‘brief’ is chosen, only the columns ‘avg_CATE’, ‘std_CATE’, ‘outcome’, and ‘treatment’ are displayed.