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FAQ and Vocabulary Guide

Table of contents
  1. Vocabulary Guide
  2. FAQ
    1. Why Don’t You Support Continuous Data?
    2. Why doesn’t the machine learning step support my preferred method?
    3. Why doesn’t the package have any built-in visualization methods?
    4. Why should I use this instead of another package? Other ones seem more common!
    5. I have a question not covered here

Vocabulary Guide

We briefly define some of the terms we use interchangeably throughout this User Guide and in this documentation below.

Unit, Observation, Individual A participant in the research trial, in either the control group or treatment group, for whom we have an observed outcome
Covariate, Observed data, X’s, Independent variables The data we observe which is not the treatment group or the outcome
Outcome, Y, Dependent variables The outcome variable of the research
Treated Unit A unit which is in the treatment group
Treatment Effects We have a whole page on this. See here.
Matched group, matches The group that a unit is assigned to based on the result of the matching algorithm
Main matched group If units are assigned to multiple groups, each group has one group which is its main group, in which it is matched to units which it is most similar to. Other groups it is in will have less similar covariates
Input dataset, matching dataset The dataset on which matches will be made
Holdout training data, holdout data, training data The dataset that will be used to compute predictive error (PE) in deciding which covariates to match on. In future versions of the code, this will be called “training data”.


Why Don’t You Support Continuous Data?

The FLAME and DAME algorithms use Hamming distance as the distance metric, which is only relevant for discrete data. If you have continuous data, we provide recommendations on discretizations here: here.

Why doesn’t the machine learning step support my preferred method?

At this time, we have provided implementations for three options: ridge regressions with a pre-specified alpha, ridge regressions with cross validation, and decision trees. We chose these based on what we know researchers want at this time. We definitely would love to add more if you wish! Please see our contributing guide.

Why doesn’t the package have any built-in visualization methods?

Visualizing data is a valuable tool to understanding it before and after performing any analysis like matching. While the DAME-FLAME package doesn’t have built in functions to visualize the data, we provide several examples of ways that researchers could visualize any dataset, before and after matching. This is a listing:

  • A histogram depicting the size of the matched group of each unit here
  • A scatter plot of true vs estimated CATT for units in a matched dataset here
  • A bar chart depicting the treatment effects of different matched groups here
  • A histogram depicting the size of each matched group here
  • A histogram of the number of units matched on each covariate, to help interpret covariate importance here

For each of these, we provide a link to our github repository, and encourage users to fork the code and visualize your own data.

Why should I use this instead of another package? Other ones seem more common!

The matches produced by the dame-flame package are higher quality. dame-flame doesn’t use uninterpretable propensity scores, it matches on actual covariates. It doesn’t require the user to specify the metric like CEM, since it uses machine learning to learn the metric adaptively. It is not based on a black box machine learning method like Causal Forest or BART, but it can often be just as accurate, and it’s much easier to troubleshoot! [1] [2]. You can see our simulation here comparing dame-flame against MatchIt’s propensity score matching. This simulation shows that our package results in higher-quality matches.

Also, the features of the dame-flame package are really useful. We offer several built-in treatment effect estimators so that users don’t have to rely on other packages or compute their own, and we offer built-in missing data handling. We offer recommendations for customizing the algorithm’s features for your specific needs here, here, and here.

You can be confident that the package will run smoothly. Our test suite, powered by Travis’ Continuous Integration, covers over 98% of the code. We have also confirmed consistent results with the package R-FLAME, available on GitHub here.

I have a question not covered here

Please reach out to let our team know if you’re using this, or if you have any questions. We welcome public comments or questions on GitHub through the Issue Tracker here, or feel free to contact Neha Gupta at neha.r.gupta “at” duke “dot” edu.